
User Guide for Application SHEENA


1. Add a todo task

Users are able to add one specific task every time they type “todo” command A capital letter “T” will shown when you successfully added the task. A tick or cross will shown besides the capital letter “E” to indicate whether the task is done by the user.

“todo” - to indicate the system that this is a todo task “description” - describe the task

Format: todo description

Eg: todo Love Sheena.

IMPORTANT: User must provide a description.

Outcome: [T].[tick / cross] todo Love Sheena

2. Add an Event task

Users are able to add one specific event task every time they type “event” command We will use /at to differentiate the time
A capital letter “E” will shown when you successfully added the event. A tick or cross will shown besides the capital letter “E” to indicate whether the event is done by the user.

“event” - to indicate the system that this is a todo task “/at” - to indicate the system that the time is behind the /at “description” - describe the event “time” - describe the details for time (at: Mon 2-4pm)

Format: event (description) /at (time)

Eg: event Love Coco /at Mon 2-4pm

IMPORTANT: User must provide a description and time.

Outcome: [E][tick / cross] event Love Coco (at: Mon 2-4pm)

3. Add a Deadline task

Users are able to add one specific deadline task every time they type “event” command We will use /by to differentiate the day
A capital letter “D” will shown when you successfully added the deadline. A tick or cross will shown besides the capital letter “E” to indicate whether the task is done by the user.

“event” - to indicate the system that this is a todo task “/by” - to indicate the system that the day is behind the /by “description” - describe the event “day” - describe the details for day (Eg: Sunday)

Format: event (description) /by (day)

Eg: deadline I love you Sheena /by Sunday

IMPORTANT: User must provide a description and day.

Outcome: [D][tick / cross] event I love you Sheena (by: Sunday)

4. List Down the task List

Users are able to retrieve the task that they had saved.

“list” - to list down the task.

Format: list

Eg: list


Sheena: Yay! Now you have these ~

Sheena: Well, you have these items in your list:

  1. [T][✓]buy food
  2. [T][✓]miss Sheena
  3. [T][✘]love Sheena forever
  4. [T][✘]I love you Coco

    Sheena: Yay! 4 tasks listed!

5. Delete A Task.

Users are able to delete one specific event task every time they type “delete” command

“delete” - to indicate the system that this is a delete function “taskNumber” - indicate the index number for the specific task (eg: 5)

Format: delete taskNumber

Eg: delete 5

IMPORTANT: User must provide a description and time.


Sheena: YAY! You deleted task: [T][✘]buy books !

Now you have (taskNumber-1) tasks in your list ~

6. Find a task

Users are able to add one specific event task every time they type “find” command

“find” - to indicate the system that this is a todo task “description” - describe the thing you want to find

Format: find (description)

Eg: find Sheena

IMPORTANT: User must provide a description and time.

Outcome: Sheena: Yay! Here are the matching tasks in your list:

Sheena: Well, you have these items in your list:

  1. [T][✓]miss Sheena
  2. [T][✘]love Sheena forever

    Sheena: Yay! 2 tasks listed!

7. Clear the list

Users are able to clear the task list

“clear” - to indicate the system that user is clearing the task

Format: clear

Eg: clear

Outcome: Sheena: So sad but yeah the list has been cleared..

8. Exit the program

Users are able to exit program. The task will be saved in a text file (eg: duke.txt)

“bye” - to indicate the system that user is going to exit the program

Format: bye

Eg: bye


Sheena: Let me save down everything ^^

Sheena: I will miss you! Hope to see you again soon!